
- 答:1 在掘陪网页找此皮Submit an Article的链接 2 先点•Register now注册,然后再点•Sign-in now进入 3 WILEY部分期刊接受森散差电子邮件投稿!部分可在线投稿,请熟知作者须知.电子邮件投稿后一般2天左右会收到回信和稿号,2周内会有初步决定。
问:IEEE,EI,SCI 投稿过程中都有哪些状态?时间大概多久
- 答:状态方面没有什么可以说的,就是态槐缓一些时间的明搭程序帆模不一样。
- 答:是的,要提交,GTOC就是在雹橡打开每一期的所有文章悉橘界面时,每篇文章题目下面一幅图和一段文字源陆旁,简述文章内容
Table of contents entries: International Journal of Energy Research publishes Graphical Table of Contents (GTOC) from 2012. Authors should submit an abstract figure (diagram or illustration selected from the manuscript or an additional "eye-catching" figure) and panying text for this abstract with the original manuscript. The GTOC entry should include the paper title, the authors’ names (with the corresponding author indicated by an asterisk) together with the figure and no more than 80 words or 3 sentences of text summarizing the key findings presented in the paper.